Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dominic's first year

Sorry it's been a while since I have posted. Been a very busy year as you can imagine. Having a baby under a year old keeps us pretty busy. Well Dominic will be a year old very soon. We have had such a great time raising him in his first year. He has been a very happy and healthy boy. We are truly blessed. We have had so many firsts with him.

He started crawling at 6 months. Since then Molly and I have had quite a busy time at home making sure he does not get into things he should not get into. For the most part he has a great natural ability to know what is safe and what is not. He is careful enough with things that are not stable that he has never pulled anthing down on him that could hurt him. Since he has become better at crawling he has become quite the speedster. He picked up a habit of trying to crawl with something in either or both of his hands?! A difficult task to be sure. He learned to stand up using furniture at about 9 months. I taught him to get down off of furniture at 9 months as well. He is quick learner.

He has been able to say Da da and Ma ma for quite a while already. I recently taught him to nod his head Yes and to clap on command. He is a very good clapper. We just got through with his first round of swimming lessons where he did very well too. Surprise surprise, I think My son is good at everything. I am pretty sure that is my job. Within the last month he has begun to stand up all by himself in the middle of the floor. He can stand there and squat all the way down and then stand right back up again. He seems to be very strong. On Easter morning he took his first steps at church with grandma. Molly and I saw him take a step once before but not really walk. Later on Easter day he did take about 7-8 steps for us at home. Molly and I both got to see it and we were very excited. He has not really started to walk a lot just when he feels like it. We are not in a hurry to have him running around on us just yet so it is ok with us.
Well thank you for checking my Blog out. As for the rest of our lives, we are doing great. Molly is keeping busy with lots of web design business. Our store Southern Oregon Subaru Volvo Mitsubishi is doing very good. We are very fortunate to sell such great products that keep our clients happy and coming back. The banks are loosening up their wallets as well so we are getting a lot of loans approved. This is a great time to be buying a vehicle. Interest rates are low and our vehicles are ready for new homes. I will try and keep my posts up to date from now on. Life is slowing a little so I should have the time.


Rochelle said...

I LOVE my Subaru and I especially LOVE my grandson Dominic! He is such a joy in our lives. He is so cuddly and loving to everyone. Great Post!

Sutherlands said...

What a wonderful summary of a wonderful year! Dominic is such a sweet boy! I love his hugs and sweet kisses! I also love our Subaru! Thanks for getting us such a great deal on such a reliable car!

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures! Especially the one of you as Prince!! What an awesome costume!!

I know who to see when I buy my next Subaru! A rock star, named Prince! :)

Crissy Christian